Eph 2:6 And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One). AMP
The grace of god which a vital theme in Ephesians leads us to an amazing promise of being with Christ in the heavenly realm in the future but we begin to experience it in this life. We are now IN Christ and we begin to experience life in Him in our everyday lives.
“Scholars have compared the image of the exaltation of the believers in 2:6 with the fairly common Jewish image of the righteous enthroned in the world to come; Christians have begun to experience the life of the coming age in advance (see comment on 1:14). The context would drive an additional point home especially forcefully to readers once enslaved by fear of Fate or the stars: to be "seated with Christ" means in 2:6 what it meant in 1:20-21 - to be enthroned over the evil powers. Christians need not fear demons, Fate or anything else; their lives are ruled by God.” These comments are from the IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament by Craig S. Keener.
ARTWORK: King of Kings
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