Friday, August 12, 2011

Kingdom of Priest

God Calls You a Kingdom of Priest
Metaphor: Kingdom of Priest
Concept: That each of us who calls on the name of the Lord is a priest in His Kingdom.

Ex 19:6: And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests, a holy nation [consecrated, set apart to the worship of God]. AMP

This is an amazing statement of the believer’s role in the rule of God throughout the universe.
In the Old Covenant the Levites were the priestly family and only they had this unique role. We are now serving God in the day to day ministry of His temple since we are the temple of His Holy Spirit.
Often the church has been deceived into believing that there are those who have all of the responsibilities of ministry. The five fold gifting of leadership are spelled out in Ephesians 4:11-14, but in Romans 12, I Corinthians 12 and elsewhere we see that we all have various roles and responsibilities as the Body of Christ.

Do not be deceived into thinking that you are not an important part of God’s kingdom here on earth. If he is to rule in your life and reign over our lives as a people we all must be available and active in His service.

Father, today helps us to honor and be active in serving as priest in your kingdom. Teach us we should live a life of service unto you and your people.

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