Saturday, July 21, 2012


“Faith is what teaches the saint to enjoy the supplies of providence with sweet complacency as the will of God concerning him.
The worldly person who does not go to his business every morning by way of a prayer closet rarely returns home in the evening to give thanks to God. He begins the day without God and it would be unusual for him to end it with Him. The spider that spins her web out of her own body dwells in it when she is through; and the person who operates his enterprises by his own ingenuity entitles himself to recognition as a "self-made man." Thus it is easier for such a person to worship his own wisdom than to worship God.
Once a man overheard his neighbor thanking God for the rich stand of corn in his field and reacted to this praise: "Thank God? Why I would rather thank my manure-cart!" It was the speech of a sewer-spirit, more filthy than the load on his cart. If you want to be a Christian you must acknowledge God in all your ways and not lean unto your own understanding Proverbs 3:6.. This selfless attitude will lead you to crown God with praise when success crowns your work.
Jacob worked as long and hard as any other businessman for his wealth; yet the foundation of his diligence was in prayer and in the expectation of blessing from heaven. He attributed his valuable holdings to the truth and mercy of God, who promised to provide for him when he was still a poor pilgrim on his way to Padan-aram Genesis 28:2-4.
Necessity was the heathen's schoolmaster to teach contentment; but faith is the Christian's. Faith is what teaches the saint to enjoy the supplies of providence with sweet complacency as the will of God concerning him. This is godliness that triumphs-- when the Christian can carve contentment out of God's providence, no matter what dish it sets before him.
Quoted material from, ”The Christian in Complete Armour Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare” by Gurnall and James S Bell.

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