Thursday, July 19, 2012


Homage to our sovereign Lord is His just due. If there were no worship, how could we declare that it is in Him that we live and move and have our being?
Be careful, then, Christian, not to neglect any one privilege of worship-- it might be the door where Jesus stands waiting to enter your soul! The Spirit is free. Do not bind Him to one duty only; but wait on Him in every one of them. It is not wisdom to let any water run past your mill which might be useful to send your soul moving toward heaven.
Maybe you do not receive as much enlightenment as you want when you seek God in public services. Let me ask you this-- what kind of communion do you have with Him in secret? Here is a hole wide enough to lose everything you get in public, if you do not repair it. Samuel would not sit down to the feast with Jesse and his sons until David-- the youngest of the family-- was brought in to join them. If you want God's presence in any of the ordinances you must bring back the one you sent away; it might be the least important in your way of thinking but the one God has chosen to crown with His most special blessing to your soul.
Seek God's goals. God has two purposes in worship. First, He intends for us to honor Him as sovereign Lord. And second, worship is the way He communicates His presence and blessings to His children.
Homage to our sovereign Lord is His just due. If there were no worship, how could we declare that it is in Him that we live and move and have our being? One of the first things God taught Adam and his children was divine worship. And the holy person makes it the most important thing in his life to sanctify God's name and give Him glory. A subject may offer a present to his prince in such a ridiculous fashion that the ruler may be more scorned than honored; the soldiers bowed their knees to Jesus but their hearts mocked the holy God.” 

Quoted material from, ”The Christian in Complete Armour Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare” by Gurnall and James S Bell.

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