The focus here is on what we should do and the fact that God brings His blessings through Jesus. The secret to having everything that God intends for us to have is seen in one statement; Him you shall listen to and understand by hearing and heed in all things whatever He tells you.
The secret to thriving as a Christian is contained in that verse; Thus Moses said to the forefathers, The Lord God will raise up for you a Prophet from among your brethren as [He raised up] me; Him you shall listen to and understand by hearing and heed in all things whatever He tells you.
Often authors, speakers and even churches make being a Christian seem almost impossible unless to follow their formula or have a red S (for Superman) on your chest. God however has a simple and comprehensive plan listen, understand and apply everything that Jesus tells us.
God even supplies His Holy Spirit to help us understand and have His Spirit’s strength to accomplish those things that Jesus teaches.
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