Monday, July 05, 2010

Resting and Reflecting

Day 14, in our Study of Meditation 07/06/2010, Resting and Reflecting, Numbers 29:1

1 ON THE first day of the seventh month [on New Year's Day of the civil year], you shall have a holy [summoned] assembly; you shall do no servile work. It is a day of blowing of trumpets for you [everyone blowing who wishes, proclaiming that the glad New Year has come and that the great Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles are now approaching]. AMP
The material below is from the book, A Year With God,” by Dr. Richard Foster which is featured in todays photo.
Built into the religious calendar of the Israelites was a day to rest and blow trumpets. Taking time to rest is important in the spiritual life. Rest is not merely the state of doing no work. Rest is a time for refreshment. It may be a time to reflect on the past or plan for the future. It is also a time for worshiping God. The Sabbath is an intentional time set apart for worship. Our souls receive true peace and strength when we worship God. Rest is a Spiritual Discipline that requires and also restores our trust in God. Out trust grows as we see how God fulfills our needs even when we are working. We realize we don’t need to earn God’s provision. Rest helps us reside in the unconditional, unfailing and forgiving love of God.

Meditation is a wonderful way to rest in God. Today think of your meditative prayer time as a resting in God, seeking the refreshment only God can give. Relax, close your eyes even allow yourself to fall asleep if that is what tour body wants. When you awake, thank God for the gift of rest.

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