Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Hope That Is In You

How Can the Christian Encounter People Who Believe They are Enlightened?

Someone ask me how we can reach people in a culture where they think they are enlightened and we are not.

The New Testament speaks of important principles that can help us here.

1. Salt and Light Matthew 5:13-16.
We must start with being in our culture to whatever degree is possible. Presence, kindness, humility and a life that allows others to see God at work in our circumstances are good starters.

2. Prepared to Give and Answer for the Hope that is in us. 1 Peter 3:15
Phillip’s divine encounter with the Ethiopian Eunuch ere is also a need for divine expectation so that we do not miss God encounters and only see them as circumstance. If we are walking intimately with God and sensitive to His Spirit we can be ready to do the rest if we do the above. Acts 8:26 -40.

3. Allowing the Living water to flow from us. John 7:38
People like to be treated well, encouraged, thanked and appreciated. Yes, they even being smiled at. I have found people in stores and the businesses I frequent are open to me and therefor open to God when I practice these things.

4. Sowing into unknown soil Matthew 13
We never know the condition of another person’s heart, which is like the soil mentioned in this parable.
We should be prepared by a close walk with God, willing to be Salt and Light, prepared to Give an Answer for the Hope that is in us and Ready for Divine Appointments in which the Living Water can flow, then we can encounter our culture with the Real Light of God.

When we encounter people as outlined above we prepare them for the Spirit of God to convince them of God’s truth so that may come to repentance and receive The True Revelation of the Good news of Jesus.

1 comment:

David Rupert said...

I like this reminder. I am very frustrated by the political, social, and societal trends going on right now...But this post reminds me to stop, breathe, and just be obedient.