Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Satan knows better than anyone the damning power of pride. Is it any wonder, then, that he so often uses it to poison the saints?
A second type of error Satan sows among saints is pride. Pride was the sin that turned Satan, a blessed angel, into a cursed devil. Satan knows better than anyone the damning power of pride. Is it any wonder then that he so often uses it to poison the saints? His design is made easier in that man's heart shows a natural fondness for it. Pride, like liquor, is intoxicating. A swallow or two usually leaves a man worthless to God.
One of the perilous things about pride is that it uses both our good and our bad inclinations to draw its chariot. On the other hand, it works companionably with other sins. In fact, a multitude of sins will slave all day long and into the night, supposing they are their own masters, when all along they are the hireling of pride. Watch someone cheating, deceiving, lying, oppressing others. What is his motive, if not to acquire an estate to maintain his pride?
Even worse than teaming up with other sorts of wickedness, this rascal pride will also harness itself to that which is good, and work alongside God's ordinances. When this happens, we see a person zealous in prayer or faithful in church attendance, and suppose him to be a mighty saint. But all the while pride is the master he serves, though in God's livery. Pride can take sanctuary in the holiest actions and hide itself under the very skirt of virtue. Thus you may hear of someone giving generously to the poor, and be moved to admire his charity. Yet pride-- not compassion-- may be the reason he lavishes out his gold so freely.
Another may steadfastly resist every appearance of evil and be respected as a model Christian. And all the while, pride-- not true heart conviction-- may be the promoter of his circumspect walk. This was the case with the Pharisee, who flaunted his spirituality and bragged because he was not like the publican. Christ showed us in a word or two how He felt about that king of pride!”

Quoted material from, ”The Christian in Complete Armour Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare” by Gurnall and James S Bell.

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