Sunday, April 15, 2012


“The bee will not sit on a flower that has no nectar. Neither should the Christian entertain a thought that does not feed his spirit. Here is a quick way to check your heart. Are your thoughts good or evil? When good, do you give credit to Christ? When evil, are you appalled and determined to expel these nasty urchins? If so, you show that these spirituals of wickedness are more Satan's than your own.
Besides evil thoughts, there are others that should also be unwelcome. These are empty, frothy, vain imaginations. Though you may not find them so abominable in themselves, still they keep you from something better. And who among us has time to waste in this life? Like the water that runs beside the mill, every thought that does not help you do God's work is wasted. The bee will not sit on a flower that has no nectar. Neither should the Christian entertain a thought that does not feed his spirit.
Even your good thoughts are not impervious to Satan's tampering. For instance, you may be overcome with guilt of your sins and honestly mourn before the Lord. Yet if you become consumed with remorse, you are in danger of losing your faith in God's glorious promise of redemption by His grace. Or perhaps your thoughts turn to the needs and cares of your family. Providing for your own is certainly scriptural. But if you worry so much about this responsibility that you forget God is the real provider, you again show a serious deficiency of faith.
We are instructed to learn and observe the whole counsel of God. What will it profit to light upon one of God's commandments and show it to be your favorite, if you slight all the rest? You will be in as much trouble as the person whose surgeon restores the flow of blood in a minor vein, but in the process severs a major artery. Such carelessness is likely to maim the man, if not kill him outright. Your soul is a delicate creature, and requires the utmost skill to maintain its equilibrium. Be constantly on your guard against concentrating so hard on one or two of God's ordinances, that you have no time for all the others.” Speak that truth to your soul!
Quoted material from, ”The Christian in Complete Armour Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare” by Gurnall and James S Bell.

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