Saturday, July 30, 2011

God Calls you a Community of peoples

Metaphor: Community of Peoples Concept:  Community or Company renders a word meaning "assembly," "gathering," "grouping." The reference is to a large body of people who live in and have authority and rule over a certain geographic area.

Gen 28:3- May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers until you become a community of peoples.
Gen 48:4-and said to me, 'I am going to make you fruitful and will increase your numbers. I will make you a community of peoples, and I will give this land as an everlasting possession to your descendants after you.' NIV

The idea that is being unfolded here is God’s favor on His people Israel is to be of such magnitude that they expand beyond a large family and become literally a mighty nation with each family member’s offspring multiplying so much that they literally become a company or community of communities.
The second part of this promise from God is that he will give them the Land we now know as Israel as an everlasting inheritance for this large population of people.

There are three key points in these verses.
1.       God promise is that His people will prosper and expand.
2.       God has given the land within the Biblically defined borders to Hid people.
3.       God’s promises are everlasting.
We as the inheritors of God’s promises through Jesus the Messiah must realize that His promises to Israel are as good today as they were when they were given and that despite current political circumstances, He is still God and His promises will be fulfilled. If we cannot accept God’s promises to Israel how can we accept that His Word to us is to be trusted?
We are said to be branches that are grafted in to the natural Vine Israel. Jesus said He came to fulfill the law not do away with it.
God desires to multiply those who call on His name as the One true God throughout the earth. We must comply with God’s plan to be fruitful and multiply. Taking possession of the territory God gives us must be a priority both spiritually and physically. If the people of God fail to keep His Word the enemy will steal, kill and destroy what God has given and desires to give us.
Today ask God to reveal to you how to assert authority and occupy all of His promised territories in your life. This starts with the spiritual, then the soul realm of mind, will and emotions and finally our physical bodies and world. Being a good steward means to exercise the master’s will, rule, authority and ways in every area of our lives.

If we are to be about our father’s business as Jesus was we must learn to grow in all that Jesus began to do and teach. Which means; we must demonstrate in daily life how to live a life that fulfills the teachings of all of scripture in every way.

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