Concept: Only those who are righteous by faith in God will be counted among those whom God counts as His righteous ones.
Ps 1:5, Therefore the wicked [those disobedient and living without God] shall not stand [justified] in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous [those who are upright and in right standing with God]. AMP
Those who have faith that God is just and pure and who believe He is who he says He is and who understand that they in themselves can never be righteous without His Grace and unmerited favor will be counted among those in whom God is pleased and whom He entrust Himself to. Matthew 7:21-23 makes it clear that Jesus Himself rejects even those who do miracles in His name if they do not do the will of the Father in heaven. The will of the father is seen clearly in Galatians 3:6-7, where it is Abraham’s belief in God which allows Him to be called righteous.
Today let us remember and it is by His grace through faith that we are counted righteous by God.
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