Friday, November 30, 2012


When your hope is at a loss and you question your salvation in another world, look backward to see what God has done for you in this one.
If we spend all our thoughts on our unworthiness of heaven we shall never realize we are among the chosen ones who will enjoy it. But when we believe the pleasure God takes in demonstrating His greatness-- making miserable creatures happy instead of allowing their misery to continue in eternal damnation-- and the cost He paid for His mercy to reach us, we see Him as the Most High God! When we weigh and meditate on these truths they open our hearts, though fastened with a thousand bolts, to believe without question all that He has said.
Recall past mercies from God's hand. When the strong Christian's spiritual rest is broken by very great fears for the future, he can read the history of God's gracious dealings with him. Thus he endures his night of affliction with comfort and hope. But those who have penned in their memories the remarkable instances of God's loving favor to them miss comfort's sweet companionship.
Sometimes little scraps of writing found on a man's desk help save his estate, for without these records he would have spent the rest of his life in prison. And often it is one experience remembered which frees the soul from despair-- a prison where the devil longs to trap the Christian. God's dealings with David were often the subject of his meditation and of his songs; and when his hope faltered, he regained it by recalling God's goodness to him:" Psa. 77:10 (AMP) And I say, This [apparent desertion of Israel by God] is my appointed lot and trial, but I will recall the years of the right hand of the Most High [in loving-kindness extended toward us], for this is my grief, that the right hand of the Most High changes. 
When a hound has lost the scent, he hunts backward to recover it and pursues his game with a louder cry of confidence than before. Thus Christian, when your hope is at a loss and you question your salvation in another world, look backward to see what God has done for you in this one.”
Quoted material from, ”The Christian in Complete Armour Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare” by Gurnall and James S Bell.

Wayne Newcomb
Equipping You for a Life of Passionate Participation in God

Thursday, November 29, 2012

JoAnn McFatter- Sapphire Sea


Be sure you humbly acknowledge God by constantly waiting on Him for your spiritual growth. "The young lions" are said to "seek their meat from God" Psalm 104:21
Now the God of hope will fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost" Romans 15:13 God is the God of hope; not only of the first seed but also of the whole growth and harvest of it in us. He does not give a saint the first grace of conversion and then leave the completion of it wholly to his human skill.
Be sure you humbly acknowledge God by constantly waiting on Him for your spiritual growth. "The young lions" are said to "seek their meat from God" Psalm 104:21. God has taught them to express their wants when they are hungry; and by this they have learned that their Maker is also their Supplier. At first a baby expresses his needs only by crying; but as soon as he knows who his mother is, he directs his cries to her.
The Father can always find you, Christian. He knows what you want but He waits to supply you until you cry to Him. Does God care for the beasts in the field? Then surely He will care for you, His child in His house. You might pray for more riches and be denied; but a prayer for more grace is sure to be answered quickly.
Love has a secret yet powerful influence on hope. Moses befriended the Israelite when he killed the Egyptian who had fought with him. And love kills slavish fear-- one of the worst enemies hope has-- and thereby strengthens hope's hand. Whoever pulls up the weeds helps the corn to grow. It is fear that oppresses the Christian's spirit so that he cannot act or hope strongly. "Perfect love cast out fear" 1 John 4:18. The freewoman will cast out the bondwoman. Fear is one of Hagar's breed-- an affection that keeps everyone in bondage who partakes of it.
Love cannot tolerate fear. The loving soul asks, "Can I fear that the One who loves me most will ever hurt me? Fear and doubt, away with you! There is no room for you in my heart." Charity "thinks no evil" 1 Corinthians 13:5.”
Quoted material from, ”The Christian in Complete Armour Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare” by Gurnall and James S Bell.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Living godly in this present world and "looking for that blessed hope" are joined together Titus 2:12-13.
The Christian can say, "I know from the Word that the repentant, believing sinner will be saved; my conscience shows me that I repent and believe. And although I am unworthy, I can firmly hope that I shall be saved." And as forcefully as the Christian agrees with God's truth and repents, so his hope will be-- strong or weak. If his assent to the truth of the promise is weak, or his evidence of faith and repentance is uncertain, his hope that is born of these will inherit its parents' infirmities.
Living godly in this present world and "looking for that blessed hope" are joined together Titus 2:12-13.
Thus a soul void of godliness must be destitute of all true hope, and the godly person who is careless in his holy walk will soon find his hope faltering.
All sin brings trembling fears and shakings of heart to the person who tampers with it. But sins which are deliberately committed are to the Christian's hope as poison is to his body, which eventually drinks it up. Sins produce a lifeless Christian and make thoughts of God dreadful to him: "I remembered God, and was troubled. Psalm 77:3. They make the man afraid to look on the God of judgment. After all, does the servant want his master to come home and find him drunk?
What Calvin's friends tried to persuade him to give up his night studies, he asked if they wanted his Lord to come and find him idle. God forbid that death should find you lying in the puddle of some sin unconfessed and unrepented of! Can your hope then carry you to eternity with joy? Can a bird fly with a broken wing? Faith and a good conscience are the two wings of hope. If you have wounded your conscience by sin, renew your repentance so that you may act in faith for the forgiveness of it and redeem your hope.”
Quoted material from, ”The Christian in Complete Armour Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare” by Gurnall and James S Bell.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


The devil deprives some people of this scriptural relief by mere laziness. They complain about doubts and fears like sluggards crying out of their poverty as they lie in bed.
Strengthen hope by studying God's Word diligently. The Christian is bred by the Word and he must be fed by it or his grace will shrivel up and die. The growing baby feeds often at the breast. As God has provided food in His Word to nourish every grace, so the Scriptures provide nutrients for the saint's strong and solid hope. "That we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope" Romans 15:4. The devil knows this so well that he works hard to deprive the Christian of the help stored in the Word. And he is right, for as long as this river remains unblocked which makes glad the City of God, with comfort brought in on the stream of its precious promises, he can never besiege the City.
The devil deprives some people of this scriptural relief by mere laziness. They complain about doubts and fears like sluggards crying out of their poverty as they lie in bed. But they will not get up and search for the Word for the satisfaction of their need. Of all others, these sell their comfort most cheaply. Who pities the starving man who has bread before him but refuses to move his hand to take it?
To some Christians, Satan presents false applications of the Word and thereby troubles their spirits. The devil is an exceptionally bright student in theology and makes no other use of his Scripture knowledge than to lure the saint into sin-- or into despair for having sinned. He is like a dishonest lawyer who attains legal skill merely to force an honest man into serious problems by the tangles suit he brings against him.
Now if Satan so proficiently manipulates the Word to weaken your hope and deprive you of your inheritance, you should develop a holy skill to maintain the right and defend your hope. In your study of the Word, then, you must closely pursue two goals-- and pursue them until they are yours.”
Quoted material from, ”The Christian in Complete Armour Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare” by Gurnall and James S Bell.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Declaration of Dependence

This Declaration of Dependence is . . .
A radical solution to these radical times; the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony in bold action. Mature. Strong. Controversial. Governmental not political. Uncomfortable. Where has conform gotten us? Politically incorrect. We have been pursuing things that dont matter, wont last and could cost us everything. The Bible is the first book of law, government, history, economics and education.
We need the gospel; the healing of the brokenhearted, the proclamation of liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and the bound set free. We need you. In a day of extreme sports, extreme weather outbreaks, extreme division, extreme financial crisis, extreme world upheaval, isnt it time for extreme prayer?
As youre praying, youll be shining light, showing love, speaking truth and enthroning glory. Be strengthened as you pray, knowing God hears you and that youre making the difference.
This is not about keeping the status quo. Its not about saving the economy, electing a new leader or having a religious experience. Its not Sunday morning churchianity, its a lifestyle. Its about being transformed into the image of the Son. Its about returning to Yahweh. The prodigals are coming home. Will you declare your dependence?

Discover more at This link


If you have some hope of heaven, and you believe that your eternal happiness or misery depends on it, you must search your heart by the light of God's Word.
. The more we prize something good the harder we work to have it. If a prince should lose a penny and one should bring him news that it has been found, it is such a petty thing that he would not care whether it were true or not. But if his kingdom lay at stake in battle and a report comes that his army has defeated the enemy, he would long to have this message confirmed.
Is heaven worth so little that you can be satisfied with a few probabilities and uncertain maybes that you will ever get there? You must despise the blessed peace if you are no more interested in your right to it than that. When Ahab advanced his army against Ramoth-gilead, Micaiah prophesied victory--"Go, and prosper" (1 Kings 22:15). But the king had good reason to suspect that Micaiah's words were empty of truth and rebuked him: "2 Kings 22:16 (AMP) Thus says the Lord: Behold, I will bring evil upon this place and upon its inhabitants, according to all the words of the book which the king of Judah has read.
If you have some hope of heaven, and you believe that your eternal happiness or misery depends on it, you must search your heart by the light of God's Word. And after an impartial review of what you read there, command your conscience to tell you the naked truth--what your spiritual standing is and whether or not you may hope that salvation is yours.
When Peter heard about Christ's resurrection he did not fully believe; but he ran as fast as he could and looked into the sepulcher, proving how dearly he loved his Lord. Thus, Christian, even if the promise of eternal life has not yet produced such an assurance of hope that you can enjoy it without doubting, you can show your appreciation of it by trying to strengthen your hope and put away all doubt of it.”
Quoted material from, ”The Christian in Complete Armour Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare” by Gurnall and James S Bell.