Wednesday, March 21, 2012


"All power is of God, whether on earth or in hell. Get your faith to embrace this truth and you can walk anywhere with absolute confidence that Satan can do you no permanent harm.
Praise be to God! Satan's power is mighty, but no reason for you to despair. What a marvelous comfort God gives His children in allowing us to see that we do not need to fear Satan. Let them fear him who fear not God. What are his mountains of power before you, Christian? You serve a God who can make a worm thresh a mountain Isaiah 41:15. Surely, then, He can take care of you. The greatest blow Satan can strike at your courage is to cause you to nourish too great a fear of him in your bosom.
I have been told there are wild beasts that, though stronger than the lion, yet tremble when he roars. How many needless hours have you spent trembling at the appearance of Satan when you have the power, in Christ, to trample him under your feet! Strive for a proper perspective of Satan's power, and then this lion will not appear so fierce. Three considerations will relieve you when at any time you are in danger of thinking his power is omnipotent.
In the first place, it is a derived power. It is not his by right, but by permission from another and that other is God. All power is of God, whether on earth or in hell. Get your faith to embrace this truth and you can walk anywhere with absolute confidence that Satan can do you no permanent harm. Do you think for a moment your heavenly Father would give His archenemy a sword too mighty for you, His own child, to overcome? Since God provides the enemies' arms, you can be sure they will be of little use against you if you place yourself under God's protection.
When Pilate tried to frighten Christ by boasting of his power to pardon or condemn his prisoner, Christ replied that Pilate could do nothing "... except it were given thee from above John 19:11. In other words, "Do your worst, I know who sealed your commission." Satan buffets, man persecutes-- but God is the One who gives them both power.”
Quoted material from, ”The Christian in Complete Armour Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare” by Gurnall and James S Bell.   

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