The Times and the Seasons of the Expansion of God's Work are beginning to be poured out! I am expecting a fresh outpouring of God's Spirit for each person and ministry that is willing to recieve it in 2006.
We experienced the beginning of this out pouring as we went to Him with humble and expecting hearts in our December believer's gatherings. The Fresh flow of the River of Life, that flows out from under His thrown is flowing to bring all we need to walk in "The Times and Seasons He is Unfolding for Each of Us.
"Below are the notes from our December gathering. We began by asking each one present to ask themselves these questions.
1. Is your Vision Big Enough to Fulfill God’s Call on your Life for the year ahead?
2. Are you ready to let God extend the stakes or expand the borders of His work in you?
3. God wants to Expand the Territory of His Spirit's work through you, are you willing?
4. Do you have God’s Perspective on His calling on your life?
5. Is your perspective limited by what He has done so far in your life?
6. Do you think the time for Him to work is latter but not now?
In Job and in Isaiah we find examples of two people who were serving God and even declared to be righteous by God, but when they had a fresh encounter with God they realized that in comparison to God's glory and holiness they were unclean and did not grasp the wonder and awesomeness of who God is and the scope of His majesty.
Job 38-42 Isa. 6:1-12
The results of these experiences was for them to humble themselves before God again. God in response blessed them both and renewed His work through them in greater measure than before these encounters.
Today God is looking for people He can pour out His river of life through, people who will once again humble themselves and cry out to Him. People who are willing to allow His Spirit to work and who will not let their own understanding of things limit what He wants to do.
Today He is ready to expand the working of His Spirit in and through you!
Get Ready by pressing into Him now! Prepare yourself for the next Season of His mighty work in the Earth. It is closer than you may have thought or hoped!
Artwork: The might Herald
I'm not christian..but I find that ur blog is kinda good..Anyway, Merry Christmas!!! Best wishes, do leave me a comment, xian
Hello Xianfu
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