"These New Revolutionaries are the ones who reject the spirit of religion and passionately embrace the truth and power of God's Word to change what is by into what God desires."
Jessica TenBrink is a worship leader with a heart after God who has the gifting and skill to lead a group of believers deep into the father’s presence and on into His heart!
Jessica has recently started ‘The Spirit and Truth Study Blog’, which is designed to take you through the entire Bible and study Biblical Worship. Jessica's introduction to her new blog is below along with a bio and photo.
‘The Spirit and Truth Study Blog’, by Jessica TenBrink
This blog chronicles my study of the Word to learn what it really means to worship in Spirit & Truth. John 4:23 says, "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." My desire for The Spirit and Truth Study is to become one whom God can find faithfully worshiping Him. Join me in the study. Comment, and offer your insight so we can grow together. http://spiritandtruthstudy.blogspot.com/
“I want to invite you all to visit me on my new blog and join me as I start an intense study in the Bible on worship. My new blog is focused solely on a brand new study that I am embarking on. I thought I would chronicle it in blog form for anyone who would like to pitch in with their insight or comments, or even questions. What fun! I have posted the backdrop to the study so far (what has led to the start of the study) and I hope to begin posting actual study material within the week. If you know anyone else who might be interested in reading as I study the Bible in the context of what kind of worship God requires, please let them know as well! You can subscribe to my blog on the left hand side of the homepage where it says "subscribe". Then you will get automatic updates after each post.”
Jessica TenBrink is a graduate of Oral Roberts University, a wife to Karl, and a stay-at-home mother to Annalee (7) and Mattea (2). A pastor’s daughter two times over (both her mother and father pastor Crossfire, a Church Without Walls in Centennial, CO), she has a calling to minister to the local Body of Christ as worship leader. She served Crossfire as its first worship leader for two years beginning in 2005. She has a heart to see the Lord exalted within the corporate worship setting with passion, might, and abandon. Her desire is to counter the cultural norm in America that says, “I can worship God just fine with my hands in my pockets.” Her desire is to raise up Davids—people after God’s own heart, whom God seeks out as worshippers while they worship in Spirit and truth.” David was not only a worshiper; he was a warrior. Jessica’s vision is to raise up warriors for the Kingdom of God who accomplish extraordinary things in the very potent humility that true worship requires. Because the Lord dwells in the praises of His people, her vision is to encourage, mentor, and teach believers that God moves when we praise and worship His name! Jessica and Karl are raising their children and serving the Lord in Colorado Springs, Colorado. http://spiritandtruthstudy.blogspot.com/
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