Part One
What do we need to understand to have Wisdom for a Fresh Move of God by His Spirit today?'
When we examine the history of revival movements and the outpourings of the Holy Spirit in Church History we see that God has poured out His Spirit and moved among His people continually in every generation since He began to pour out His Spirit on the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts. We can also see in scripture that God has supernaturally interacted with His people throughout history and that we have many examples in the scriptures both in the Old and New Testaments. The interactions of God with His people throughout scripture serve as both examples and wisdom for us as we seek to be apart of what God is doing in the earth today.
Recommended Research:
History of Charismatic Movements and History of Revival Movements:
How has God interacted with His people in history since the New Testament times and what were the results?
1. 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity by Eddie L Hyatt Strang Communications Company
2. Dynamics of Spiritual Life, An Evangelical Theology of Revival by Richard Lovelace, published by IVP
3. Revival by Winkie Pratney published by Whitaker House
4. Rivers of Revival by Neil T. Anderson and Elmer L. Towns published by Regal
Personal Experience:
I have had the privilege of experiencing the supernatural work of God among His people several times in my 36 years as a believer and know that every new supernatural outpouring of God's Spirit carries with it great blessings and challenges for those who are blessed to be a part of it.
Some of these moves of God had local, while others had national and international impact.
This study is designed to provide Biblical truths that will allow us to chart a course during these times when the river of life runs both deep and often fast. A course that will take us into greater growth and helps us to allow the deeper encounters with God to produce good fruit for His kingdom among the people we live around and minister His life to.
Church History:
There are has many examples of those who allowed the fresh outpouring of God's Spirit to grow His kingdom and them and those who were shipwrecked when an outpouring of His Spirit was mishandled and produced error and destruction. Since history tends to be written by the victors, those who were shipwrecked were often seen as heretics and the work God began in them is seen as error.
Biblical Examples of God’s supernatural interaction with people.
Pillar of Fire (preparation and readiness) ready to wait and ready to go. Ex 13:19-22; Neh 9:11-12; Neh 9:19-21; Ex 16:10
Isaiah in the Temple (Fresh fire, fresh revelation, fresh humility and holiness, Fresh call)
Note Isaiah’s state of mind. Isa 6:1-9
The Mount of transfiguration (Let’s build three tents and camp out here) Does the experience lead to deeper call and greater commitment as well as new power for ministry? Matt 17:1-9
The Baptism, Fillings and Outpourings of the Spirit; Starting in the Upper Room (pickling something or dyeing a garment takes more than a single dip)
The baptism in the Holy Spirit brings us to a new level. Fresh (fillings) make us more continually useful as vessels of His Spirit and Glory. Luke notes that people were “filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4; 9:17), that “they received the Holy Spirit” (Acts 8:17), that “the Holy Spirit fell upon (them)” (Acts 10:44), that “the Holy Spirit had been poured out on (them)” (Acts 10:45), and that “the Holy Spirit came upon them” (Acts 19:6). These quotes are from the Spirit Filled life Bible.
Finally, (every supernatural encounter of God with people has certain elements). Do you know what those elements are? I have listed some below. What else do you see in the book of Acts? Is there a formula and pattern to follow or are they not always in a set sequence?
Is there Pattern to Follow or Common Elements to note?
Preparation for Gods Spirit to Work or the results of His working can include: Cleansing, Repentance, Holiness, Revelation of Man’s imperfect state in light of God’s majestic nature and holiness, a Willingness to die to self and serve God, or making ourselves available for His call.
Please read the scriptural accounts listed and ask your self these questions during the coming week. What lessons or truths can you discern or observe from each passage?
How do these truths apply to outpourings of God that you have heard about or been a part of?
ARTWORK: Power of Prayer Art Print by Danny Hahlbohm
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