Monday, September 12, 2005

Biblical World View Development by George Barna

An important part of being a 'follower of Jesus', is having a view of the world based on scripture. Read the following material from the Barna website.

Developing a Biblical Worldview

"George Barna contends that the key is developing a worldview that incorporates critical scriptural principles and translates those beliefs into specific action. The premise is simple: you cannot act like Jesus until you think like Jesus. So, how can we think like Jesus? George Barna contends that the key is developing a worldview that incorporates critical scriptural principles and translates those beliefs into specific action.
He found that rather than simply participating in numerous church programs, completing studies on books of the Bible, or memorizing Bible passages, the people who are able to think like Jesus are the ones who ask themselves seven key questions prior to making critical life decisions."

Want to know more?


Johnson said...

I always appreciate Barna...super stuff always. However, I remiss...if only it were that simple. Certainly getting people to think like Jesus would cause anyone to live for Christ fully.

But, there is no way to break it down like that. There is a HUGE place for caught lessons as opposed to taught lessons. Seeing people and hanging around people that are devoted disciples of Christ goesa a long way in determining whether or not that person will turn out the same.

Travis Johnson

Equipper said...


You are correct, but I think Barna would also agree with you. The Biblical Worldview comes as we adopt or make our own the Truth of Scripture which Jesus is the true manifestation of. Also, if you have a Biblical Worldview you will produce fruit that is Biblical and this will influence those you are around who 'catch' that life giving fruit that comes from a life that is Transformed by the Truth of Jesus which is life giving.

Johnson said...


Absolutely. Barna is solid. I guess my sentiments go back to seminary days where we were taught "Know, Be, Do." I never really agreed with that either becuase I feel "doing" preceeds "being" and "knowing." Isn't it out of relational leadership that we are truly discipled? I think it is out of that same heart that according to Scripture, we are told "there are many teachers but few fathers."

Regardless of the approach. We need to reproduce disciples of Christ.

Travis Johnson

Equipper said...

I agree and believe we are just saying things differently. Let me add the following truths.

Acts 1:18 says that when the Holy Spirit comes we will have the power to be witnesses(not go witnessing). In the Hebrew mind set if you believe you do. It is only in the Greco-Roman Worldview that we separate knowing nad doing. The New Testament says we are living Epistles or letters. So we are those who believe and do the things of Jesus which is what is expected by scripture.
If we believe others will recieve the fruit or outworking of Christ life in us. This is Body, Soul and Spirit manifestation for the Hope that is in us. We both proclaim and manifest in our lives, the life of Christ.

Anonymous said...

"people who are able to think like Jesus are the ones who ask themselves seven key questions prior to making critical life decisions."


Does this mean, like asking what is the most important commadment! Wouldnt that be a "key question" (if not the most critical one) that many "followers" of jesus fail to recognise the answer too?

Furthermore, how can you have a "world based on scripture", when the church becomes increasingly secularised from the state, you have sections of your church that allows gays, your women do not cover their heads in church, and you support a president in war?

Since ignoring the most important comandment, its been downhill all the way!

Opinionated Voice

Equipper said...


It sound like you are more concerned with what is wrong than right with the Church. If you have any positive input about how to Equip Believers to come into the maturity and stature of Christ it would be welcomed.

Equipper said...

There will be no World based on Scripture until the New Jersalem comes down after the second coming!