Posted: 17 May 2017 02:12 PM PDT
In Jerusalem there were those who stood upon the walls of the city to watch to see what was coming. They were the eyes and ears of the city when there was darkness. There were segments with 4th watch being 3 hours before the dawn. Prophetically, they were preparers for the coming dawn for the city.
In this day and age, the Lord is asking prophets to prepare the body of Christ for the dawn of a new season by being the eyes and ears of the bride. The body of Christ benefits from the gifting of the prophet/seer and we have a responsibility to hear their words and take them into account in our perceptions and decision making. In my home church, and ministry network, we are blessed with several mature prophets who hear and see beyond the walls of our building and physical location. As an Apostolic ministry we partner with them and provide a platform for the voice of the Lord to go forth through them. We will periodically be posting words from contributing authors who are trusted prophet/seers who have influence in and beyond our ministry. We will be sub-titling these posts as "A 4th Watch Post" to identify them clearly and will include a mini-bio of the authoring prophet/seer at the base of the post. Following is the first post contributed as A 4th Watch Post. May it bring you life more abundantly to see beyond the walls! In Him, Harvey _________________________________________________________________________ 'Where there is no clear revelation and vision of God's plan people are confused and God's plan for them is distorted.' ~ Proverbs 28:19 (paraphrased) ![]() The Flaming Sword and An Open Door by Wayne Newcomb God created and designed us to have a life in relationship with Him. Our sin closed the gate or door to the full opportunity of life, which God created us to have with Him. Because Adam and Eve believed Satan’s deception and lies about God, they were disobedient, rebelled, and sinned against God. They were cast out from the Garden (That place of security and fulfillment God created for them). Gen. 3:22-24, "Then the LORD God said, 'Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—' therefore the LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken. He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life." Jesus came to open the way once again to the Father and provide the Open Door or Gate whereby we might go in and out and have abundant life and fulfillment according to His design for us. John 10:7, "Again Jesus said to them, 'Very truly, I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and bandits; but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.'" The beginning of this passage is often quoted, taught on and memorized but God's full intent for us as described in verse 9 is often neglected and its neglect robs us of the 'full and abundant life' God designed us to have. We are left with the truth of John 10:10 as it relates to the way of our salvation but left ignorant, uninformed and without God’s plan for what comes next and how we should live our lives once we have 'entered the gate/door' having been born again. Life with an Open Door to the Father Promised as Part of Our Entering John 10:9, "I am the gate/door. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture." The truth that Jesus is the Gate/Door to the Father and that there is no other way in is both the cause of great comfort to the believer and consternation to the unbeliever. The reality is that many who do believe and are saved are left without the revelation of God's complete plan for them and as a result never realize God's promise of the abundant, fulfilled life as designed by Him from the foundation of the world. Proverbs 29:18, "Where there is no understanding of the Word of the Lord, the people do whatever they want to, but happy is he who keeps the law." Or paraphrased 'Where there is no clear revelation and vision of God's plan people are confused and God's plan for them is distorted.' Finding Pasture The reality that we have an Open Door with the Father where both He and we may come in and go out freely is what we were created to have and what our entire being longs for. It is the description of a healthy relationship with the Father. There is no Flaming Sword, no locked gate, no barrier of sin, shame, or lies keeping us from Him and the Life He created us to have. God designed us for more than a life of 'knowing we are saved and will make it to heaven when we die.' He designed us to live our lives with an open door to the Father and to find pasture. A good shepherd conducts his flock to the fields where good pasturage is to be found; watches over and protects them while there, and brings them back again and secures them in the fold. He looks for good grass for them to feed on, still waters for them to drink from and rest beside. He takes interest in their individual health and well-being. He anoints their heads with oil so that when they conflict and bump heads with other sheep they will not be seriously harmed. The anointing oil also protects them from pest that might burrow into their skin and cause problems and irritate. If they persistently stray and endanger themselves He will carry them to assure them of His loving care and to provide security. Life with an open Door/Gate to the Father is a life of fulfillment as designed by Him for us through His unmerited favor and grace in Jesus the Messiah |
To Prepare, To Mend, And To Bring To Maturity The People Of God, So That They Can Take Their Unique Place In What Jesus Is Doing In The Earth Today.
Friday, May 19, 2017
The Flaming Sword and An Open Door - A 4th Watch Post
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