Do you know how to use this powerful weapon? Signed in His Blood explains the amazing relationship between Christ’s blood and our covenant with God, bringing together both the Old and the New Testaments to demonstrate the incredible hope we have in Jesus for freedom and deliverance.
Table of Contents:
Foreword by Jack Hayford
Introduction: Why Blood?
Chapter 1: A Covenant of Blood
Chapter 2: Life Is in the Blood
Chapter 3: The Source of Life and Peace
Chapter 4: Relationship by Agreement
Chapter 5: Sealed in Blood
Chapter 6: The Old Testament Blood Covenant
Chapter 7: the Rules of the Agreement
Chapter 8: the “Sign” of the Agreement
Chapter 9: Circumcision of the Flesh
Chapter 10: Circumcision of the Heart
Chapter 11: God’s Redemption Plan
Chapter 12: The Power of Substitution
Chapter 13: Passover: commemorating the Old Covenant
Chapter 14: The Signature of the New Covenant
Chapter 15: the Stipulations of the New Covenant
Chapter 16: Washed in blood
Chapter 17: A Radical Substitution
Chapter 18: Communion: Celebrating the New Covenant
Chapter 19: Blessing and Power Through Jesus’s Blood
Chapter 20: Nobody Can Touch the Baby
Chapter 21: God’s Purpose in Covenant Making
Chapter 22: The Benefits of Covenant
Chapter 23: Entering God’s Presence
Chapter 24: Power in the Blood
Chapter 25: Counterfeit Covenants
Chapter 26: Breaking the New Covenant
Chapter 27: the Covenant of Promise
Chapter 28: The Wonder of Being “in Christ”
Chapter 29: Christ “In Us” Is Our Only Hope
Foreword by Jack Hayford
Introduction: Why Blood?
Chapter 1: A Covenant of Blood
Chapter 2: Life Is in the Blood
Chapter 3: The Source of Life and Peace
Chapter 4: Relationship by Agreement
Chapter 5: Sealed in Blood
Chapter 6: The Old Testament Blood Covenant
Chapter 7: the Rules of the Agreement
Chapter 8: the “Sign” of the Agreement
Chapter 9: Circumcision of the Flesh
Chapter 10: Circumcision of the Heart
Chapter 11: God’s Redemption Plan
Chapter 12: The Power of Substitution
Chapter 13: Passover: commemorating the Old Covenant
Chapter 14: The Signature of the New Covenant
Chapter 15: the Stipulations of the New Covenant
Chapter 16: Washed in blood
Chapter 17: A Radical Substitution
Chapter 18: Communion: Celebrating the New Covenant
Chapter 19: Blessing and Power Through Jesus’s Blood
Chapter 20: Nobody Can Touch the Baby
Chapter 21: God’s Purpose in Covenant Making
Chapter 22: The Benefits of Covenant
Chapter 23: Entering God’s Presence
Chapter 24: Power in the Blood
Chapter 25: Counterfeit Covenants
Chapter 26: Breaking the New Covenant
Chapter 27: the Covenant of Promise
Chapter 28: The Wonder of Being “in Christ”
Chapter 29: Christ “In Us” Is Our Only Hope
It is with great joy I endorse this powerful book by Ray Beeson. Satan hates the blood of Jesus, the cross of Jesus, and the resurrection of Jesus. Anything that expounds and illuminates the blood of Jesus is sure to bring deliverance and healing. Let your spirit saturate in the powerful principles of the blood of Jesus. Your miracle could be present by the end of this book!
Larry Stockstill, Teaching Pastor, Bethany World Outreach Church, Author
Larry Stockstill, Teaching Pastor, Bethany World Outreach Church, Author
I cannot recall reading a book on the subject of Christ’s blood that included so many valuable insights. Ray Beeson has managed to give us what I believe will be a classic. I intend to keep this book very close at hand. It contains so many elements that are practical for a disciple of Jesus. For so many years there has been great misunderstanding about the blood. Like so many truths of the Word, you will find extremes – from those who would see the blood as a “magic wand” to those who see it only in a historical context. The truth is that there is great power in the blood. What we need is a skilled writer and student of the Word to convey its wonderous truths. Ray Beeson is that skilled writer. He invites us to a journey, a journey that will cause us to worship our God for His unspeakable love and provision. That love and those provisions are signed in blood.
Chris Hayward, President, Cleansing Stream Ministries
Chris Hayward, President, Cleansing Stream Ministries
About the Author:
Ray Beeson is the director of Overcomers Ministries, a teaching ministry with a special emphasis on spiritual warfare and prayer. Ray teaches seminars on spiritual warfare, prayer, and Christlike living and is the author of numerous books, including The Real Battle and Strategic Spiritual Warfare, and the coauthor of The Hidden Price of Greatness and Don’t Miss the Point. get yours at The Arsenal Bookstore -https://www.facebook.com/ArsenalBooks
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