First, you see God choosing the twelve to go and do His work. What an honor to represent God’s people in exploring the Promised Land. Second, the assignment was pleasant and full of rewards. Look at the size of its fruit and the abundance it held for them. They had the blessing to see before everyone else all that God had prepared for them. Third, they were accountable to tell the people what wondrous things God had waiting for them.
If you could send someone else ahead to see your circumstances in the days ahead, what report would they return with? God’s Word promises a future with hope because of His care for you in Jer 29:11. The places that God intends to be full of blessings and great bounty are also the places the giants want to settle into, so that they might steal what God has for you. These giants want to dwell in your places of blessing and fulfillment. You must be like the two spies who brought back the good report and have faith that God has a future of blessing and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him for His strategy to take what is promised to them. There is an old song we used to sing in the church which had this phrase in it, “Whose report will you believe?”
There is an interesting passage toward the end of Joshua’s life in which he says that God did not drive out all of the inhabitance of the land so that they might learn to do battle. Now these are the nations which the Lord left, to test Israel by them (that is, all who had not experienced any of the wars of Canaan; 2 only in order that the generations of the sons of Israel might be taught war, those who had not experienced it formerly). (Judges 3:1-3) NASU
Your circumstances are waiting for you to encounter them. You can encounter them through faith as the promises of God fulfilled or through fear as great trials to face without hope of success. You will not escape battle, but you will take the land if you trust His promises and seek His strategy for each battle.
There is a message coming from the land of the giants, but whose report will you believe?
Say it with me, ‘I will believe the Report of the Lord’!
Copy write (c) 2011 Wayne Newcomb
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