Thursday, July 12, 2007

Recalling the Hope of Glory

Our daily journey of faith is often consumed with the experiential elements of our walk with God and often needs to be expanded and strengthened with the anointed insights of those who have gone before us and disciplined Biblical study to keep our walk with God from becoming shallow and weakened by an over exposure to our own understanding of life and God's relationship with us. This expansion and strengthening of our perspective and grasp of God's Word will allow our worldview to grow more to fit God's and keep us from developing an understanding that is more about us than God has designed and desired that we have.

Recalling the Hope of Glory by Allen P. Ross is one of those studies of God's Word that will help us not to get off course and that will allow us to drink deeply from the river of life, which can give us a more complete understanding of why we worship. This will make our journey more fruitful and full of God's light and wisdom. To see more about this book please click the link below and it should take you to the Equippers Tool Box for more information about this book.

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