Thursday, August 03, 2006

Market Place Resources

Resources for life in the Agora or market place of life.

Walking out a life in the world while being a part of the kingdom of God requires that we exercise dominion while being true examples of Jesus Life, Power and Message. For this to take place we must have fresh resources as well as live a consistent life of faithfulness to Him and humility before people. Below are resources that can help you do just that!

Spiritual Formation
There are three great resources I want to share with you. The first site and ministry focuses on the "Spiritual Formation" of the believer.

Market Place Leaders
The second two sites and ministries focus on equipping the believer who works in the market place of the world.

Faith and Work Resources
This site helps believers 'Get Equipped to Transform their Workplace' For more information go to the Equippers Edge or to The equippers Tool Box at and the ministry links above. I believe these resources can help us to walk in confidence, courage, power and humility.

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