Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Kingdom of God Confronts the Kingdom of Darkness

Ephesians, The Church Confronts the Powers of Darkness

Believers today are hungering for a vibrant faith that has the passion, joy, authority and power they see in scripture. Ephesians is rich with teachings that lay out this overcoming life, which every believer is entitled to.

There is a great deal more to Ephesians than the Armor of God. This series will be a combination of an examination of the letter to the Ephesian believers and a study of the Spiritual Warfare elements which are part of the context and fabric of life of these believers.

Several translations of the Bible will be used as well as multiple Bible software tools and books. A variety of web sites, written articles and other sources will also be referred to.

Why not get started today by quickly reading the letter to the believers in Ephesus in your favorite translation.

Artwork above : Michael Overwhelming the Demon, by Raphael

Although academic in nature the following book is excellent.

Ephesians Power and Magic by Clinton Arnold"Power and Magic is one of those few books which literally cannot be ignored by any serious bible student. In fact, it makes the classical commentaries on Ephesians that I am familiar with virtually obsolete.
Clinton Arnold has done us all a great favor by throwing vital new light on our understanding of what really motivated the Apostle Paul to write one of his most important epistles." Peter Wagner, Fuller Theological Seminary

For more info please go to

Hayford's Bible Handbook,by Jack Hayford is a more comprehensive Bible Study tool and another great resource for this study.

This first-of-its-kind Bible handbook offers charismatic and Pentecostal Christians a major reference tool that provides easy access to a wealth of biblical and practical information. With an informative Survey (with Kingdom Life Insights(tm)) for each book of the Bible, the unique Spirit-Filled Life(tm) Encyclopedic Dictionary, the Visual Survey of the Bible, and Kingdom Keys for applying the principles of the Spirit-filled life, Hayford's Bible Handbook will enrich Bible study and help readers discover practical insight into living their faith.

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