Thursday, October 20, 2005

Becoming Mature in Christ

The Full Measure of the Stature of Christ

When we look at the passage below we notice in verse 12 that the responsibility of the Equippers is threefold. It is to equip God's people to;
1. To do God's work
2. To build up the Church (the people of God) We are to do this until we all come into such unity in our faith and knowledge of God's son that we will become mature;
3. To become Full grown in the Lord, measuring up to the full stature of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-13. He is the one who gave these gifts to the church: the
apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their
responsibility is to equip God's people to do his work and build up the church,
the body of Christ, 13 until we come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of
God's Son that we will be mature and full grown in the Lord, measuring up to the
full stature of Christ. NLT
The progression here is interesting in that we are to be doing ministry even though we are not fully mature (adult in faith) but we are moving toward that goal as we both minister to the world and the Church all the while growing in wisdom, knowledge and experience in the Lord. I will discuss the third part first.

Personal Growth over the centuries there have been many strange ideas about how we gain adulthood or maturity (perfection) in Christ. This passage and others help us to see that although we may have come into a state of perfection at salvation we have to work out that perfection (sanctification) with fear and trebling before the Lord. In other words it is going to take time and hard work to come into the maturity in Christ which we are called to enter into.

Comprehend the Magnitude of the Work of Salvation Quote from the book The Causes and Cure for a Spiritual Depression.

"If we truly understood and embraced the work of our salvation there would be no
ground for the work and results of sin."

Understanding who we are and who we are becoming in Christ. Ephesians 1-3. These chapters have a lot of 'in Him statements' as Neil Anderson has written about at length in his books. Who we are and are becoming includes addition elements as listed below.
Our Motivational Gifts listed in Romans 12
Our Life Context, Our background, culture, spiritual and natural heritage, experience, education Etc.
The Supernatural Gifts of the Holy Spirit Manifested through us Cor 12-14.
The Application of Scripture to our Life in every day living and experience.

When we combine the work and leading of the Holy Spirit into this matrix and you get the Big picture of who we are and are becoming in Christ. These lead to individual maturity as they are collectively applied to life on a daily basis, as we experience the work of God each day.

Principles for Growth and Maturity
Spiritual Disciplines, Bible reading and study, prayer, praise exaltation and worship, fellowship-relationship with other believers, carrying one another's burdens, generosity, meditation, keeping a spiritual journal, memorization, sharing what God is doing in your life (being a witness), etc.
Getting Mended (Sodzso) is defined as to be saved or mended as you would mend a broken bone. Spirit, Soul (Mind, Will, Emotions) Body Saved, Set free or Delivered, Cleansed and Healed.
Biblical Truth Training Taught, Modeled, Caught, and Experienced Learning to move in and operate as led by the Holy Spirit. We must have opportunities to learn to move in or cooperate with the Spirit in a safe and mentored environment.
Apply Biblical Truth (teaching) and Live a life in the God daily.
Acts 17:28 'For in him we live and move and have our
being.' NIV

Our Unique Nature is Our Strength and Our challenge It is the unique combination of the elements that are part of each person who is in Christ by believing and receiving Him as Lord and Savior that makes us so very valuable and allows God to carry out His work to the people of the Earth is so many varied and wonderful ways. It is also our uniqueness that requires individual Coaching-Mentoring as we seek to Fulfill the Call of God on our life and come into the Measure and Stature of Christ!

The above notes are part two of the teaching from the October meeting of the Equippers Network meeting and are the property of wayne Newcomb

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come Spirit of God, Come.