Introducing “Live Again: Wholeness After Divorce DVD” –
The only faith-based divorce recovery video series just for women
Session 1: Reality Check: Acceptance. There are few things in life more devastating and earth shattering than going through a divorce. Some women knew it was coming, but for others they felt like a train hit them head-on out of nowhere. This session focuses on how to survive the shock and trauma of this new life. The reality of a divorce is both overwhelming and unimaginable. It’s so hard to process the idea you are no longer married. This session will help you to get beyond the unbelief and the despair of what you are facing and find not only acceptance but also hope.
Session 2: Forgiveness. It’s been said that not forgiving another person is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. Refusing to forgive is a never- ending battle that leads to bitterness, and keeps you in bondage to anger and resentment. Yet no matter who you are, when injustices have been done or false accusations have been made, it takes everything in you and God’s supernatural power and love to help you walk out the act of forgiveness. This session focuses on one of most difficult things women of divorce struggle with: Not only forgiving the other person, but also ourselves.
Session 3: The Loneliness Giant. The agony of being alone, the nights when you’re all alone and the kids are in bed, it’s just you and the quiet. And the feelings of loneliness just sweep in and surround you. Moments like these are some of the hardest. In the busyness of the day it is easy to forget the pain and loss, when nighttime falls, or when the kids are with their dad, there’s no one but you. It’s almost unbearable. And then there are the loneliness reminders: like sitting alone at church or sitting alone at dinner or sitting alone at home when everyone else is out enjoying themselves. The first year it can even be difficult to get out of your pajamas and get the kids to school on time. This session helps you cope with the Giant of Loneliness.
Session 4: The Real Enemy: Lies Women Believe. Many women struggle with negative thoughts saying,“You’re not worthy. No one will ever want you. Look how low you’ve fallen. What reason do you have to live?” Do these lies sound familiar? Many women have to fight those messages every day and resist the enemy and his plan to destroy them. Who is our real enemy? Is it our ex-husband? Do we feel God is against us? This session focuses on where these lies really come from and how to stand firm against them, confident knowing we have value in the eyes of God.
Session 5: Respect Yourself. It’s not easy to respect yourself or feel worthy of respect when you are at one of the lowest moments of your life. Your world has been shattered into a million little pieces and your value has been crushed by the horrible outcome of divorce. We tend to attract people at our common level of woundedness. And just like a person in an automobile accident, we need to recover from our wounds before we are healthy again. During this vulnerable time, we learn how to better care for ourselves and protect ourselves from predators. Many women feel so low, they get swept off their feet by the first man who pays attention to them. This session helps you recover your self-respect and find your identity in God.
Session 6: Sexless and Single: Sex and Dating. We all need to be loved. And we all desire closeness to feel truly cherished. Our brains are hardwired from birth to need intimacy. But are we really getting the love and commitment we crave when we join ourselves with someone who is not our spouse? Get a man and a woman’s perspective from expert authors Dr. Katherine Hart Weber (Secrets of Eve: Understanding the Secrets of Female Sexuality) and Dr. Tim Alan Gardner (Sacred Sex) share about following God’s principles. These principles apply to us just as much as they apply to our teenagers. But what if you’ve fallen in this area? We aren’t here to condemn you but show you how to navigate through this area of life better. This session will guide us through the topic of sexuality and wholeness.
Session 7: Beyond the Shame and Guilt. Shame and guilt go hand in hand with divorce. It’s almost impossible not to feel there’s a big D for divorce on your forehead and a black cloud following your every move. This is something all of us naturally feel at first. But to stay in bondage to shame and to continue to be enslaved by the guilt will not only keep you from your purpose, but will also keep you distant in your relationship with God. If you don’t feel worthy enough, good enough, or clean enough, you most likely don’t feel you can approach the Lord. But his mercies, forgiveness, and grace are awaiting you today. Dale Dunnewald, counselor and president of Grace Ministries, has counseled hundreds of women, guiding them on the path from shame and guilt to joy and confidence in the Lord.
Session 8: Panel Discussion – Discovering a Whole New You. God is in the business of creating something wonderful out of the ashes. Four women tell their stories of moving from brokenness to wholeness. No matter how devastating your story, if you allow God to rebuild the pieces and show you who you are in Christ, you will live and you will laugh again.