This will make your personal transformation into the likeness of Jesus the Messiah a practical and realistic option for your daily life.
Our desire to see this maturing process which we all long for but seem never to find a simple and practical plan to follow up on in our own lives is available "inch by precious inch" if we will seek it in small bites on a daily basis.
One of the key aspects of Spiritual growth is that of biblical spiritual disciplines, without which we live soulish lives ungrounded in God's Word, and subject to the winds of doctrine which men proclaim as new or deep, but which lack the stability found in a firm relationship with God through His written and living Word. This daily devotional adventure will advance us in our growth.
Passionate participation in God Project/Adventure/journey Info
Start Date:01-12-2010
Objective: In A Year with God, will be transformed in your life with God, day by day. You will fulfill the promise of Ephesians 4:13Place: Wherever you can read the daily devotion.
Passionate participation in God Project/Adventure/journey Info
Start Date:01-12-2010
Objective: In A Year with God, will be transformed in your life with God, day by day. You will fulfill the promise of Ephesians 4:13Place: Wherever you can read the daily devotion.
Required material:
'A Year with God, Living Out the Spiritual Disciplines' by Richard Foster See ordering information below: A Year with God offers a daily practice designed to increase your personal connection with God through the exploration
of the 18 spiritual disciplines
Time required: Enough to do a daily devotional
Optional Items:
1. Online daily Community group interaction opportunity.
Optional Items:
1. Online daily Community group interaction opportunity.
2. Daily Twitter bites to encourage your journey
3. Blog Articles: that will help you discover the King, His Kingdom and personally grow in measure and stature to the full measure of Jesus the Messiah. Eph 4:13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
Optional resources:
1. The Life with God Bible
In The Life with God Bible some of the most notable figures in Christian discipleship offer their insights to help
illuminate how the spiritual practices present in Scripture apply to our everyday lives and circumstances. This is the
resource for connecting Scripture and daily discipleship
3. Blog Articles: that will help you discover the King, His Kingdom and personally grow in measure and stature to the full measure of Jesus the Messiah. Eph 4:13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
Optional resources:
1. The Life with God Bible
In The Life with God Bible some of the most notable figures in Christian discipleship offer their insights to help
illuminate how the spiritual practices present in Scripture apply to our everyday lives and circumstances. This is the
resource for connecting Scripture and daily discipleship
2. Life With God:
Reading the Bible for Spiritual transformation.
Too often, our study of the Bible focuses on searching for specific information or some formula that will solve our pressing needs of the moment. But what if we approached the Bible differently, and instead of transforming the text to meet our needs, allowed it to transform us?
You can get these materials online at
You can also contact Renovaré USA
8 Inverness Drive East, Suite 102, Englewood, CO, 80112
303-792-0152 - 303-792-0146 (fax) -
Reading the Bible for Spiritual transformation.
Too often, our study of the Bible focuses on searching for specific information or some formula that will solve our pressing needs of the moment. But what if we approached the Bible differently, and instead of transforming the text to meet our needs, allowed it to transform us?
You can get these materials online at
You can also contact Renovaré USA
8 Inverness Drive East, Suite 102, Englewood, CO, 80112
303-792-0152 - 303-792-0146 (fax) -